Tuesday, February 5, 2008

African Documentary Films

What do we mean when we talk of African documentary films? There probably is a canon, an authority that defines the genre but like any other self-respecting individual I have never been one for authority. You see, we get in trouble when we try to attatch an ultimate definition to well, anything. The world, better yet the universe, does not work like that. Nothing is black and white, instead, we swim in a vast gray ocean which is our reality. In my experience, it is the people who see the world as black or white, right or wrong, my way or your'e going to hell and burned away that are (in the depths of their soul) truly unhappy with themselves and the world in which they live in. This is because they subconsciously struggle with the self created hypocrisys that inevitably cross their path as they experience occasions that contridict what they believe is the truth.

With that in mind let us contemplate the meaning of "African." What does that even mean, African? One would assume something or someone pertaining or originating from the great continent of Africa. That seems like a simple enough definition. Zebras? African. Florida? Not African. The Nile? African. Jackolope? Well, who knows what the hell that is? The point is isn't it easy to define what is African and not? And the truth is no, it is not. Because the truth is and will always be subjective. Meaning, that it is all up to or in the mind of who your'e asking the question. And this truth, this decision, (whether we know it or not) is influenced by one's culture, education, spirituality, family, etc. etc. And the truth varies widely from nation to nation, city to city, person to person. The reason is because "truth" isn't some objective material thing out there that can be measured and ultimately defined. The truth is an idea. Truth is whatever you want the truth to be.

Let me return back to the discussion on how "African" a documentary can be. Is a documentary about Africa made by a non-African truly African? Well according to my definition of pertaining or originating from Africa then the answer is, yes. However, it is likely (and just as credible) that someone's definition of an "African" documentary is a film that has to have been produced, directed, and starred by people who were born and raised in Africa. This means that a film made in Africa, about Africa, by non-Africans is not "African." Who is right?. Which definition is true? The answer is both, and neither at the same time. It is completely up to you. All we can do is try to make as rational of a decision as we can given the information and knowledge we our given to strive for a level of truth that can be universaly recognized as the most true by all. And just love it man!

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